The Ajinkyan’s story

 The Ajinkyan’s story


Hi if I ask a simple question you that what is most or what was the most important or memorable or adventurous part or phase of your life then most of you would be telling about any trip or any trek or any long drive right…… but if I ask the same question to any Sainik school guy, especially to an Ajinkyan then his answer would not be of any adventure, it would not be any trek, it would not be any other thing but about a long journey, a long drive of beautiful seven years of life in Sainik School Satara fully filled with sweet memories of batchmates, teachers and juniors, the mischief they did, going out of bounds jumping walls of school illegally without having fear of getting caught, that boxing rings with all mates, competitions and

the rivalry between the houses, and all about championship trophy, all festivals they celebrated together and the list goes on and on and on……..

And this is the story of every Ajinkyan. How he was before and how he transformed from a little kid to a Cadet with all his batchmates and from a cadet to a Gentleman. How he survived such a difficult routine of school not only but how every Ajinkyan survives in the school enjoying the studies and punishments, sports and morning PT, everything they learn from the surroundings, and many such things you’ll get to know about Ajinkyan with me.




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